Late Er. T. Narayana Reddy's 8th Annual Memorial Lecturer – Organized by Institution of Engineers and S V University, Tirupati, November 2006.
Professor B.K. Ramiah Memorial Lecturer (15th in the series), Karnataka Geotechnical Center, Bangalore, March 2007.
Invited Speaker
Invited Special Presentation Lecture, (SPL-10), Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, May 23-29, 2010 in San Diego, CA, Organized by Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.
Invited Plenary Speaker, Asian Regional Conference (ARC) on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Kolkata, India, Dec 10-14, 2007, Delivered on December 11, 2007.
Invited Speaker, International Geotechnical Conference 'Development of Urban Areas and Geotechnical Engineering' Saint Petersburg, 16-19 June 2008; 4, Izmaylovskiy prosp., Saint Petersburg- 190005, Russia.
Keynote speaker, 4th International Conference on Disaster Mitigation and rehabilitation, Semarang, Indonesia, September 10-11, 2007.
Invited speaker, 1st International workshop on Disaster Mitigation and rehabilitation, Semarang, Indonesia, September 11, 2007.
Invited special lecturer at the 12th Japan Symposium on Rock Mechanics and the 29th West-Japan Symposium on Rock Engineering, September 2-4, 2008.
Keynote lecturer, International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media, IS Yamaguchi 2006, Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, September 12-14 2006.
Panelist, International Conference on High performance computing, Feb 28th to Jan 2nd , IIT New Delhi.
Invited Keynote lecturer on the topic 'Microzonation of Bangalore', Indo-Norwegian symposium on microzonation, Held at New Delhi during 18-19th March 2006.
Invited lecture for a workshop titled 'Sand production techniques in petroleum boreholes' Sand Conference, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, organized by IQPC, September 19-September 23, 2003.
Theme Lecturer on environmental issues and waste management related to fiber reinforced composites, Two-day International Demonstration-Cum-Training Workshop on Design and Development of Fiber Reinforced Composites, Organized by the Center for Science and Technology of the Non-aligned and other Developing Countries, at Bangalore, September 15-19, 1998, NAL Campus, Bangalore.
Editor of Journals /Special issues
Editor in Chief, International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (IJGEE), Hershey, PA 17033, USA – 4 issues have been brought out.
Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), USA for the period 2007-2009.
Editorial Advisory Board, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE), USA (Link to Site).
Guest Editor on “Earthquakes and Geotechnics”, Special issue in Current Science Journal, by Indian Academy of sciences, Nov 2004.
Associate Editor, Journal of Earth System Science (JESS), by Indian Academy of Sciences and Springer online, special issue on Microzonation scheduled for September 2008.
Editorial Board Member, Indian Geotechnical Journal 1998-2000, 2010-2012.
Reviewer for Technical Journals
Geotechnique (2 papers)
ASCE geotechnical Engineering and geoenvironmental engineering (3 papers)
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (1 paper)
ASCE Journal of materials in Civil Engineering (7 papers)
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2 papers)
ASTM geotechnical testing Journal (3 papers)
Computer and Geotechnics (2 papers)
Current Science (5 papers)
Canadian Geotechnical Journal (2 papers)
Journal of Earth System Science, Springer (21 papers)
Natural Hazards (2 papers)
Journal of Geological Society of India (2 papers)
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (2 papers)
Indian Geotechnical Journal (12 papers)
Journal of the Instrument Society of India (2 papers)
Journal of rock mechanics and Tunneling Technology (4 papers)
Sadhana (1 paper)
Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Sciences (1 paper)
International conference on case histories, Washington 2008 (12 papers)
International symposium of rock mechanics, Gangtak (12 papers)
Chairman, 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2008.
Co-Chairman, Asian Rock mechanics Symposium, Singapore, 2006.
Organizing committee member and Chairman of session on"Numerical methods-discontinuum analysis",1stNorth American Rock Mechanics Symposium(NARMS), June,1994, Austin,TX,USA.
Conferences and important meetings organized
Organizing secretary IGC 2008 and 6th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Bangalore during 15th to 19th, Dec, 2008.
Member, Financial Operation Committee, The IISc Centenary Conference during December 13-16, 2008 at the NSSC Complex, IISc Campus.
Organizing Secretary, Workshop on Microzonation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, June 26th and 27th 2007.
Member, International Technical committee for the 4th Discrete Element Methods (DEM) conference, Brisbane, Australia, August 2007.
Coordinator, PAMC meeting 17th Feb 2006. DST Seismology division, Second meeting on microzonation of Bangalore city, at IISc, Bangalore.
Vice Chairman and Technical Editor of the proceedings of GeoPractice 2005, July 2005.
Coordinator, PAMC meeting 29th April 2005, at IISc, Bangalore. DST Seismology division, First meeting on microzonation of Bangalore city.
Organizing Secretary, National Symposium in advances in geotechnical engineering (NSAGE-2004), July 22-23, 2004 Bangalore.
Member, GeoRisk 2004, November 2004, IISc, Bangalore.
Organizing secretary, Current practices and future trends in earthquake geotechnical engineering (CPFTEGE) 23-24 December 2003, Bangalore
Member of technical programme committee for International Conference in Civil Engineering and organizing committee member for ICCE-01 at Bangalore, July 2001.
Coordinator, Program Advisory and Monitoring Committee (PAMC) meeting July 11, 2001, at IISc, Bangalore, DST ESS division.
Coordinator, PAMC meeting 23 and 24th December 2002, at IISc, Bangalore- DST-Seismology division.
Member of publication committee for Indian geotechnical conference proceedings and organizing committee member for IGC-95 at Bangalore, December 1995.