Professional Activities

Conferences and important meetings organized

  • Organizing secretary IGC 2008 and 6th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Bangalore during 15th to 19th, Dec, 2008.
  • Member, Financial Operation Committee, The IISc Centenary Conference during December 13-16, 2008 at the NSSC Complex, IISc Campus.
  • Organizing Secretary, Workshop on Microzonation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, June 26th and 27th 2007.
  • Technical programme committee, Asian Regional conference, ARC 2007, Kolkatta, Dec, 2007.
  • Member, International Technical committee for the 4th Discrete Element Methods (DEM) conference, Brisbane, Australia, August 2007.
  • Coordinator, PAMC meeting 17th Feb 2006. DST Seismology division, Second meeting on microzonation of Bangalore city, at IISc, Bangalore.
  • Vice Chairman and Technical Editor of the proceedings of GeoPractice 2005, July 2005.
  • Coordinator, PAMC meeting 29th April 2005, at IISc, Bangalore. DST Seismology division, First meeting on microzonation of Bangalore city.
  • Organizing Secretary, National Symposium in advances in geotechnical engineering (NSAGE-2004), July 22-23, 2004 Bangalore.
  • Member, GeoRisk 2004, November 2004, IISc, Bangalore.
  • Organizing secretary, Current practices and future trends in earthquake geotechnical engineering (CPFTEGE) 23-24 December 2003, Bangalore
  • Member of technical programme committee for International Conference in Civil Engineering and organizing committee member for ICCE-01 at Bangalore, July 2001.
  • Coordinator, Program Advisory and Monitoring Committee (PAMC) meeting July 11, 2001, at IISc, Bangalore, DST ESS division.
  • Coordinator, PAMC meeting 23 and 24th December 2002, at IISc, Bangalore- DST-Seismology division.
  • Member of publication committee for Indian geotechnical conference proceedings and organizing committee member for IGC-95 at Bangalore, December 1995.

Glimpses of Administrative Career Achievements